Conversion rate
A conversion rate is a marketing metric that shows the percentage of times a user took a desired action.
A conversion rate is used to measure the effectiveness of a campaign or piece of content. Specifically, it shows how often viewers took a desired action such as clicking a link, registering for an event, or making a purchase.
A conversion rate is always expressed as a percentage: the higher it is, the more successful your campaign. Average conversion rates vary by industry, but they usually hover in the low single digits. For instance, just 2% of app downloads typically lead to a purchase. This means a small change in your conversion rate can have a big impact.
Why is your conversion rate important?
Your conversion rate is valuable because it shows you how effective a page or piece of content is.
After all, you don't produce content for fun — it all has a purpose as part of your marketing plan, whether that's getting users to buy, sign up, or complete another action. While metrics like page views or impressions are informative, they don't tell you if your content is doing its job of driving users to act.